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Heavy Embroidered Collection For Women blue with golden work
Heavy Embroidered Collection For Women blue with golden work

Heavy Embroidered Collection For Women blue with golden work

Rs. 4750

Product Code
Availability In Stock
Delivery Time 3-5 Days

Heavy Embroidered Collection For Women


 SHIRT  Orgenza 

 DUPATTA   Orgenza 

 TROUSE   Silk

Organza Heavy Embroidered Alternate Front with Sequence and handwork And Heavy embroidered Border With Handwork and Attach Lace

Organza Back alternate Heavy Embroidered Sequence with heavy embroidered Border with attaching Lace and Tassel

Organza SLEEVES Heavy Alternate Embroidered Seqwence

handwork and Attach Lace

Organza DUPATTA FULL EMBROIDERED WITH with 4 Side Embroidered and Attach 4 Side Kiran Lace *

SATIN SILK TROUSER With Trouser Embroidered Patch

Heavy Embroidered Collection For Women blue with golden work

e-Shop since 2016
karachi, Pakistan
Transactions: 829 orders (1025 pieces)
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